25 years of Chattanoogan.com, so far

25 years ago  (Aug. 31, 1999), my friend John Wilson called me. Four months earlier, he had written his final story for the newly merged Chattanooga Times and Free Press. For whatever reason, one of the best reporters in our region was no longer part of our daily newspaper after 28 years of excellent journalism.

John Wilson with Chattanooga News Free Press publisher Roy McDonald in 1977 (from Chattanoogan.com)

John told me, “Tomorrow I’m starting something new. It will be called Chattanoogan.com, and it will be like a 24-hour nonstop newspaper on the internet, updated constantly around the clock.”

I was relatively new to the internet myself, and many people had not yet taken that leap. I won’t say I thought John was crazy, but it sure sounded like a far-fetched gamble at the time. I told him I would check out his website when it was available, and wished him luck.

On September 1, 1999, I signed on to Chattanoogan.com, and I haven’t missed a day ever since. What began as an audience of a handful of John’s friends has grown into tens of thousands. For many folks, it is the website that starts their day. “Did I miss anything overnight? I’d better check Chattanoogan.”

Over the years, Chattanoogan.com has evolved into a platform for an exchange of opinions, a community bulletin board for upcoming events, a way for businesses, churches, civic groups and non-profits to get their message to the public, an affordable site to post obituaries, an effective vehicle for advertisers, and most important, a reliable site for breaking news.

If there is a major press conference, a government meeting on tax dollars, or a zoning meeting that affects hundreds of residents, that quiet gentleman taking notes in the rear of the room is John Wilson. He doesn’t attract a lot of attention to himself, but he has recorded and reported more news than anyone in the history of our area. He is also our most noted historian, having published multiple books that will be cherished for generations.

John has done all of this, plus raise a great family. John deserves every accolade this city and county can bestow upon him. He has recorded history as it happens for 53 years and counting, most notably by creating and maintaining Chattanoogan.com for 25 years, against all odds. Congratulations to John, and everyone involved in the success of Chattanoogan.com.

About David Carroll

David Carroll is a longtime Chattanooga radio and TV broadcaster, and has anchored the evening news on WRCB-TV since 1987. He is the author of "Chattanooga Radio & Television" published by Arcadia.

4 thoughts on “25 years of Chattanoogan.com, so far

  1. David Crockett

    Congratulation, John.
    You are a true visionary and historian rolled into one. You have given Chattanooga a view into our past, present and future.

  2. Jen Jeffrey Billington

    John mentored me when I began my writing career. He gave me the confidence needed to get where I am today. I have the utmost respect for him and his family, and I will never forget his kindness.


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