Category Archives: general

Look me in the eyes

Recently, a manager who works with a chain of retail stores asked me for an honest opinion. He said one of his store’s competitors seemed to get more favorable mentions… Read more »

Beach Boy for a day

  I finally got to hang out with the Beach Boys, well, two of them anyway. Mike Love, who co-founded the group with his cousins Brian, Dennis and Carl Wilson… Read more »

Talk turkey, not politics

In case you haven’t noticed, the election is over.  Let me re-phrase that. THE ELECTION IS OVER! Sorry, I didn’t mean to raise my voice.  As one who both delivers… Read more »

Can we go back to normal?

  The lady cornered me after I spoke to her church group. “I have a question,” she said. “You’re on the news.  Maybe you know the answer.” “I’ll try,” I… Read more »