Memories of the Bob Brandy Show

Whenever you meet a “baby boomer” from the Chattanooga area, a few questions always come up.  “Where did you go to school?” “Remember all that air pollution?” And, this one: “Were you ever on the Bob Brandy Show?”

Back in the 1960s, we all loved singing cowboys.  In the grand tradition of Roy Rogers and Gene Autry, our local singing cowboy had legions of fans.  Bob Brandy (shortened from Brandenburg) was one of WTVC Channel 9’s first hires.  When the station was preparing for its first broadcast from Signal Mountain, the owners knew they would be competing with the already-established WDEF Channel 12 (CBS) and WRGP Channel 3 (NBC).  It was February 1958, and the Channel 9 area license had been transferred from Rome, Georgia to Chattanooga.  The owners knew Chattanooga would provide more viewers (and thus, more ad dollars) than Rome.  WTVC was affiliating with the third-place ABC network, so this new station would need someone to get the city’s attention.

Bob and Ingrid in the early days of their Chattanooga show

Bob and Ingrid in the early days of their Chattanooga show

Enter Bob Brandy.  He had started a kids show in Columbus, Georgia a year earlier, and had developed a strong following.  Along with his wife Ingrid, his horse Rebel, and a steady diet of cartoons, Bob welcomed scout troops, school groups and Sunday School classes.  Sponsors furnished prizes to give away, and Bob provided the fun and games.  In the early days of live TV, Bob Brandy faced the camera for an hour each afternoon as the kids got home from school.

Bob’s show soon found an eager audience.  The other channels had also offered kids shows (Channel 12’s “Mr. Chickaroonie” and Channel 3’s “Alex and Elmer” are well-remembered), but they had faded by the early 1960s.  Sponsors like Chattanooga Bakery (Moon Pie) and McKee Bakery (Little Debbie snacks) quickly saw the benefits of Bob giving away their goodies to kids who sat on Rebel and threw a ball into a barrel.  When Bob needed a break, he’d toss it to a Three Stooges comedy or a Popeye cartoon.  Once or twice a day, the Bob Brandy Trio (usually consisting of Tonny Allen, Rome Benedict and Charlie Chambers) would perform a cowboy song.

Ingrid, Rebel and Bob

Ingrid, Rebel and Bob

Wife Ingrid, of the thick German accent, the tightly-coiffed blond hair, and the shapely figure, would help Bob interview the kids.  One widely quoted story, which was apparently seen by everyone in the Tennessee Valley, recalls a day in which some mischievous 10-year-old boys were laughing uncontrollably while Bob was trying to talk.  He wanted to find out what was going on, so he asked them what was so funny.  One kid looked Bob right in the eyes and said, “Charlie farted!”  You can’t beat live television.

Prior to WTVC’s move to downtown in 1966, Bob’s show aired from Signal Mountain.  Keep in mind that on snow days, the kids couldn’t make it to the studio.  He had to do an hour of live TV, with no audience.  It didn’t faze him a bit.  That’s the sign of a true pro.

My friend Gary Wordlaw got his first job as a teenager at WTVC, working on the studio crew.  He told me that Bob’s show ended five minutes before the local news came on, from the same studio.  He remembers scooping and mopping some of Rebel’s droppings, under the hot lights, just moments before anchorman Gil Norwood started reading the news.  Gary stayed in the TV business for forty years, but thanks to Rebel, his first job made a really -strong- impression.

Those of us who never got to be on Bob’s show were often fortunate enough to see him in our hometown.  On Saturdays, Bob took his show on the road, complete with Rebel, the musicians and the prizes.  I remember when they visited Bryant (Alabama) Jr. High School.  That was the biggest show to hit Bryant, well…ever.  What do I remember the most about it?  I did mention Ingrid was shapely, right? Even more so, in person.

Bob Johnson, Dalton Roberts, Bob Brandy and Darrell Patterson

Bob Johnson, Dalton Roberts, Bob Brandy and Darrell Patterson

Bob’s show began slipping around 1970, so WTVC moved it off the weekday schedule.  It bounced around on weekends for a couple of years, from late Saturday morning, to early Saturday morning, and even on Sundays for a few weeks until Bob decided to sing “Happy Trails” once and for all.


Bob continued his day job, selling commercials for WTVC, eventually becoming the station’s sales manager.  It turns out Bob was a top TV ad salesman through the show’s entire run, no doubt using his fame to his advantage.  I mean, who wouldn’t want to buy some time on the “Bob Brandy Show?”  For the next thirty years, until his death in 2003 (he was 72), Bob stayed loyal to WTVC.  Even after retirement, he was a consultant for the station.

I got to know Bob a little bit late in his life.   He was not in good health, but he always smiled when someone told him they grew up with him.  It brought back memories of a more innocent time.  These days, the mere mention of his name brings a smile to those who tuned in each afternoon.  I think he’d like that.

Here’s a YouTube video from WTVC’s 50th anniversary special in 2008, featuring Dr. Shock, Miss Marcia, Don Welch, and a brief clip of “The Bob Brandy Show.”

I’m proud that Bob’s show is featured on the cover of my book “Chattanooga Radio and Television.” Order the book by clicking here:


Please share your memories of The Bob Brandy Show in the comments section below.

About David Carroll

David Carroll is a longtime Chattanooga radio and TV broadcaster, and has anchored the evening news on WRCB-TV since 1987. He is the author of "Chattanooga Radio & Television" published by Arcadia.

71 thoughts on “Memories of the Bob Brandy Show

  1. Lana Elliott Freeland

    I was on the show in the 4th grade. It was something I will always remember. I was suprised by how different the studio looked from the way it looked on the tv. It was so much fun. As a child from Davis Elementary in Dade County it was a thrill.

    1. Steven Cantrell

      Looking for a copy of the show, where my sister was on. Her name is Ruth Cantrell, she got to throw the ball in the barrel, and won fifty dollars
      Ruth isn’t with us anymore, I’d like to get a copy of that particular episode for her son’s. Can anyone help ?

  2. Vanessa Kinsey

    He came to my high school Davis High school on Sand Mt, I got to sit on Rebel and throw the ball at the barrel, I got it in and won a silver dollar! I still have the silver dollar! Wonderful memories!

  3. Darlene Gaston

    I was young and new to the Chattanooga area but Bob Brandy was an all star for me and my family. My husband a native of the area actually at one tome had a photo with Bob and his horse.

  4. Glenda

    RC Cola and moon pies. My older brothers class was on the Bob Brandy Show, and one of the kids pulled Bob’s Toupee off.

  5. Colleen Carboni

    Bob Brandy lived up a big hill from where I grew up. He was known to give away Little Debbies for Halloween, a valued treat in the days of penny candy. My parents allowed my brother to make the trek up the hill to get the Oatmeal Creme Cakes he was giving out, while I, because I was a girl was denied the privlege. I am still upset about that.

    1. Becky Millican Norris

      I also lived near Bob Brandy on Forrest Highland Drive 1965 – 1970. And was on his show.

  6. melisha crowell

    I use to watch bob and dr. shock love to set up at night and watch the old black and white scary shows then when I got older I met bob when I worked at east gate at Woolworth so excited about it

  7. Lisa Jackson Blankenship

    I was on the show with my 3rd grade class around 1970 or 1971. I wonder if the WTVC has recordings of these shows. I would give anything to see our show again. If they have the recordings, wouldn’t it be great if they marketed and sold copies of “your show”

    1. Deedra Thurman

      Me too! I was in third grade at Englewoof Elementary. I got to sit on Rebel and throw the ball. I won $27!!!!

  8. Christine Haven

    Bonny Oaks School children’s home. I was on the Bob Brandy Show and boy did I stretch my neck toward that on-stage barn door trying to see Rebel, his horse. I loved the Bob Brandy Show, we always got free Moon Pies. When watching on television sometimes the kids got a Krystal hamburger, ooooohhhhh, how I wanted a Krystal 🙂

  9. Diane Welch

    My brother and I were on his show after we saw him with Rebel at an Oster picnic up in Dayton, TN. Bob, Ingrid, and their daughter also came over to our house to hear my dad play the piano and I remember being out in the yard and watching their daughter play with a hula hoop.

  10. Vanessa Walden

    I grew up in Rome, GA in the late 60’s & 70’s. I watched Bob Brandy on channel 9 and one year he was going to be at our local Sear’s store for an appearance. I was probably around 6 or 7 (1970-71) and had the flu or some type of virus. I wasn’t able to go see him but my daddy said he would buy me a toy instead. I got the Barbie Winnebago in exchange for being too sick to meet Bob Brandy!!

  11. Catherine Wade

    I am a teacher at a middle school now. We were playing Trasketball and I was hit with the memory of being on the Bob Brandy show. I grew up on Signal Mountain (right above Chattanooga) and was 7 years old at the time. I even got chosen to sit on Rebel and try to get the ball in the barrel. I missed….just like my sixth graders! I pulled up this website to show them Bob Brandy. Wonderful memories!

  12. Allen Lynch

    Bob was awesome fun and exciting entertainment!
    I was on his show for Halloween
    Everyone wore their costumes on the show,I was Casper the ghost,can’t remember the year or my age.
    My stepfather Roy Bradford was a DJ at the radio station in the station Bob was on.
    I remember when going on the set when no shows were airing live and I would get to go in the room where they kept the Little Debbie snacks and help myself to some…lol..It was a real thrill to hang out after hours on the huge set floor where the shows aired back then.
    There was a hall that had framed publicity pictures of Elizabeth Montgomery and I think some other comedy shows that was on back on the late 60’s
    Seems I remember sitting on Rebel and missing the barrel 🙁
    Those were great times back then
    I loved the Bob Brandy show and Ingrid was smokin’

  13. Allen Lynch

    I almost forgot!!!
    I once drove around on the cart after hours..
    You know,the cart that we grabbed free cakes from!
    Yes that one.!
    Little Debbie snacks!!!

  14. Timmy Brackett

    He was at the wink theater when I was 8or 9 my brother got to sit on his horse an trowe the ball in the barrelle

  15. Jane

    In the early 60’s a kid told a joke that made my parents howl: “Why does the sea roar?” Answer: “I bet you would too if you had crabs on your bottom.” I was six years old. I didn’t get it.

    I loved Bob Brandy and was lucky enough to be on his show a couple of times because my sister was dating a camera man who worked the show.

    1. Ann Hale

      This reminds me of a similar incident involving my husband’s first cousin. He went to the show and volunteered to ask Bob a riddle. The question was, “Why did the little kid take the TV set to the bathroom?” Answer: “So he could see Howdy Doody!” Bob was stumped and quickly gave him his prize and shooed him back to his seat. The joke was doubly funny because back then, The Howdy Doody Show was a popular children’s show on a competing network. The parents were very embarrassed and I bet Bob didn’t forget the encounter either!

  16. Keith Reiffenstein

    The Bob Brandy show is a memory I will never forget. Much easier times back in the day. Thank-you David Carroll for putting this together, it brought a tear to my eye. Every Sat. night mom, dad and I watched Shock Theater, some names I remember are Black-Jack Blaylock and Red Bank Rena.

  17. Debbie Derryberry

    One of my all time favorites…
    Never got to be on the show but I would saddle up my Great Grandmothers bed, put a waist basket about three feet away & toss my ball in just like I was on the horse! Still love horses to this day & I still have my Great Grandmothers bed! Perhaps I should go home & pratice!! Love!

  18. Jane Pellam

    In the late 60’s, the show featured a time to phone in and win a prize. I won a transistor radio. Needless to say, this Richard Hardy elementary student was so excited…and it was one of the very few prizes I’ve won in my lifetime!

  19. Jan Wilkey

    I was on the Bob Brandy show when I was 10 or 11 I think. It was 1961 or 1962. All the kids from Welche’s Chapel Methodist that were in VBS that year went as a group. Bob Brandy interviewed me on the show, and I played in a game with two other people, (one of which was Jim Hixson), and I won some kind of little Debbie’s. It was a fun time, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.

  20. Deborah Waters Graul

    Sometimes I think I dreamed that show. Not many people have a clue who Bob Brandy was. Loved seeing the pictures of him. Talk about nostalgia, God I wanted to sit on that horse..

  21. Steve Haun

    I remember being at a Bob Brandy event at Claxton elementary school in Tn back in the early 70’s sat on Rebel but missed getting the ball in the barrel I loved watching his show in the late 60’s and early 70’s

  22. Lori McClure

    Na na na na naaaaaaaaaa naaaaa..I got to drive the Little Debbie cart when I was on his show with my brownie troop!!! 🙂 Those were golden times!!!!!!!!!

  23. Debbie Haney

    In 1966 when I was in the 5th grade at Englewood Elementary School, our class sold the most Bob Brandy tickets when he came to the school, so our Teacher Ora Baker made sure we sold more tickets than anyone so we could ride the bus to Chattanooga, TN from Englewood, TN. and make it a field trip which we also went to the Confederama, Rock City, and road the Incline prior to being on the show at 5 pm. A most precious teacher which that was her last year to teach and a most precious trip I will never forget. My aunt Carrie got me an new orange pock a dot suit (jacket with a skirt) to wear that day and I wore lacy socks and black patent shoes.

  24. Penny Lewis

    1966, I was in first grade at Ooltawah Elementary. My twin sister Pam and I were thrilled when our Brownie Troop got to be on the show. Bob came up to warm us up before the show. He told us that he would ask a question later on and the winner would be the person who came closest to the answer. He said “Let’s practice. How many stain glass windows are at Rock City?” He would hold the mic to various children who responded with answers like “a thousand, ten thousand,” etc; My family had just been to Rock City and I had admired those windows. So, when Bob asked me I said, “six.” Bob said, “Now boys and girls that is a much more reasonable guess.” He didn’t say I was right. So I thought maybe it was seven. During the show, we finally got to that segment and Bob asked the question again. Every single kid, including my sister said six. Except for me. I said seven. Every kid there won a bag of Colonial Bread Hot dog buns, except for me. I was traumatized and devastated and now in my middle age years I still remember that awful feeling. But it didn’t keep me from being a fan of the show. I adored Bob Brandy, Ingrid and Rebel.

  25. Jenny Johnston Adcock

    I was on the show with my Brownie troop in probably 1962 or 1963. Pretty sure I have a picture somewhere.

  26. Harry Charles Clinton Jr {PEANUT}

    I was on the show 3 times, I am also on the cover of your book. Yea I loved BOB who didn’t. I also sat on REBEL and drove the LITTLE DEBBIE cart.

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  28. Julie Witt

    Loved the Bob Brandy Show. It was 1971 or 72 when my class from Monteagle Elementary School. I remember guessing the right answer to a song. Was Little Snow Bird. I won a huge Tootsie Roll Bank.

  29. Eddie Wright

    I wish channel 9 would find time to rebroadcast his old show. Would to watch. I was on his show with our class from Signal Mountain Elem early around 1960

  30. Eddie Wright

    I wish channel 9 would find time to rebroadcast his old show. Would to watch. I was on his show with our class from Signal Mountain Elem around 1960

  31. Betty Lawson

    I was on Bob Brandy show in 1955 or 1956 I never saw myself on TV show . I would love to see it since I’m getting close to being 70 yrs old

  32. Kurt Wehrmeister

    Spent just three years in Chattanooga and in a Signal Mountain subdivision, 1960-63, before Dad moved us back to Chicago. I grew from
    three to six and missed very few Bob Brandy shows during that time. Saw him only once at a personal appearance he did in SM’s little business district. I was perhaps five; he offered to sit me up on Rebel — who looked about ten stories tall to me. I said “no thank you.” Dad seemed intrigued by Ingrid. Only now, looking at her photos, can I understand why. 🙂

  33. Carol Robbins (Yearwood)

    My sister and I were on his show about 1965. We were with a group from Tellico Plains Th. My sister got to sit on Rebel an toss a ball into a wooden barrel. Ted Hamilton was the man that would hold rodeos in Tellico Plains TN. and Bob would come with his horse to do tricks. He was who brought us to Chattanooga with some of. His nephew’s and nieces. I have tried to get a copy of this tape for my sister who has been sick. Please let me know if tapes still exist. Thank you for allowing me to relive this day. 209-968-1890

  34. Jim Myhan

    I went to Hemlock Elementary School here in Chattanooga. Each year the school would have a candy sale (fundraiser) and the top (15 or 20) sellers would get to go be on the Bob Brandy Show. I was on the show at least 3 times and got to sit on Rebel at least twice. Both times when I attempted to toss the ball in the barrel I put too much arch in my toss and the ball hit the ceiling (which seemed to be very low when you were sitting atop Rebel). I’ve always thought Chattanooga should erect a statue of Bob Brandy and Rebel, and also Miss Marcia too!!! They were my childhood memories that I will always cherish.

  35. Bob Myhan

    Thanks, David. I had the pleasure of being on both the Bob Brandy show and channel three’s Alex and Elmer show. I think you knew my dad, the late Bill Myhan who worked @ WRBC from 1956 (when it was WRGP) until 1968. He was the first person to do a live Kentucky Fried Chicken commercial befor there even was a KFC in Chattanooga. Carl’s restaurant in North Brainerd had the franchise at that time.

  36. Joyce keef

    I was also on the Bob Brandy show I do remember having a big boy hamburger from Shoneys I went to John A Patton school I lost A tooth in my hamburger and a boy in my class keep it in his pocket tell we get back to school that was in 1968

  37. Connie Turner

    I was on the Bob Brandy show too. My class was from Brown Elementary School in Sweetwater. It is one of my fondest childhood memories. I would love to get a copy of the show I was on if it is available.

  38. Darla McCain Ewing

    Boyd Buchanan Brownie Troop I was on the Cowboy Bob show 2 times in 1967 and we had Shoney’s Big Boy hamburgers and I remember my mom fussing at me because I was NOT sitting like a lady on those stands 🙂 But I love his show and I loved Boyd Buchanan from 1-6th grade then we moved to Jackson Mississippi
    Darla McCain Ewing

  39. Lindsey Willis

    I was not in school yet but my brother was and Bob Brandy to his school one evening Radcilft School in Columbus Georgia it was a thrill for all of us, one quest was where was his horse it was Wonderful I had to be 3 or 4 years old now I am sixty eight years old PS a Black School .

  40. Martha Perry

    It was my 5th birthday and my momma got me all done up in a new dress and we sat down to watch Bob Brandy and he read names of birthday kids. I was thrilled when he called my name. It was middle of Feb over 65 years ago but with a last name like Kuykendall, it was a big deal. I never realized momma had sent my name to them. Seems like just a short time ago. Wonderful memory!
    y name like

  41. TeresaGail

    I was on the Bob Brandy show several times from my elementary school and church groups. Loved getting the moon pies, and rode the horse around the room once. I was too tiny to actually ride, just sat there as someone lead us in a circle.

  42. Coventry Goodner

    Is there any way to get a copy of a particular show? My husband, Joey Goodner was on an episode and got to drive the cart. I would love to get a copy of that.

    1. David Carroll Post author

      Hi Coventry, unfortunately, except for an hour or two that was saved on videotape when the show began broadcasting in color in the late 60s, nothing was saved. Sorry about that! David

    1. David Carroll Post author

      unfortunately, except for an hour or two that was saved on videotape when the show began broadcasting in color in the late 60s, nothing was saved. Sorry about that! David

  43. david corn

    i was on the bob brandy show , i got to sit on rebel to throw the ball into the barrel but i missed it hit the rim and bounced off it. i remember bob brandy picking me up to sit me on rebel, i remember his wife ingrid sit beside me and put her arm around me she was such a nice lady ! very beautiful too !!! wish i could just see that show again ! rest in peace bob and ingrid. i thank them for the great memory of being on their show !

  44. Johnnie neal

    My wife’s uncle Charles Chambers played the guitar for that show. He had a music store in Rossville Ga. For most of his life .

  45. Madge Gregory

    I remember Bob Brandy and Rebel at Miller Bros in Cleveland TN after the Christmas Parade. I got to sit on Rebel even though I was still in my baton uniform – was 68 or 69. I watched the show everyday!! I lived in Benton TN back then,

  46. Margaret Ladd

    Hello my husband was on the show he went to school at Mary V Wheeler is there there any way i could find which episode he was on in the 1960s Thank You

  47. Suzanne Dean Hill

    I remember Bob in the mid 50’s. I was a student in Hixson, Tennessee (Elementary).
    All I remember was the name & he was a cowboy. Moon pies vaguely.
    No one from our school or church ever went. So what I am reading here is all new to me such as the, cart & throwing the ball & even the horse!

  48. Hal Waddell

    I watched Bob Brandy on black and white TV channel 9. The Bob Brandy Show came to Rome, GA on a Saturday at the DeSota Theater. I think it was in the early 1960s. You bought your ticket that had a number on it and held it for a prize drawing near the end of the show. When Bob called the winning ticket number, I remember my dad trying to grab me as I jumped from my seat and ran to the stage to claim my prize. I had won a 26-inch red bicycle. Was very thankful for the only new bike I ever had. Continued to watch the show and ride that bike for several years. The show is still alive with all these memories posted.

  49. Jeff Green

    My sister Marsheena Green was on The Bob Brandy show in the mid sixties.Oh how I wanted to be on the show sit on Rebel and throw the ball at the barrel and win some golden flake chips and little Debbie’s. In 1974 k mart opened up in Fort Oglethorpe when you walk through the front doors the women’s section was on the right and one afternoon as I come through the front doors on the right was Bob Brandy and Ingrid big as life and she was looking at clothes on a rack and he was leaning up against a display counter with a crutch and a cast on his leg or ankle I can’t remember for sure, but I kept circling around them and he was looking and smiling but I was too shy to go and say anything, I wish I would have. Man I sure miss those days.

  50. Debbie Chambers

    I was on the Bob Brandy Show in the early 1960s with my younger and sister. My name is Debbie and I got chosen to drive the Little Debbie Cakes and Pies peddle car across the stage advertising the delicious snacks. I have vivid memories of our fun experience on the popular show.

  51. Ray Strickland

    My fourth-grade Frank H. Trotter Elementary School class was on the Bob Brandy Show in 1966. Sadly, this show had a racist element. Black children generally did not get to sit on Rebel, nor did Bob Brandy have many activities for Black children. Our teachers prepared us to expect Bob Brandy to not let us on Rebel, nor would there be many activities to win prizes. In fact, Bob Brandy filled the show with his songs before every commercial break. Our class only had two chances to win Moonpies and Little Debbies. There were no cash prizes for us. For our class, there was a lot of sitting, smiling, and waving at the camera. I never looked at the Bob Brandy Show after our class appearance again. Bob Brandy, a horse named Rebel, country music, was as redneck as it got. Glad to see the show go!


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