My search for the perfect burger

As a news guy, I’m told to keep my political opinions to myself.  Even on the front lines of Facebook and Twitter, I have to bite my tongue on the topics of health care and government shutdowns.  Yes, I have opinions, but I impose them only on close family members.  As they would happily tell you, you are not missing much.

So if you need a break from the over-caffeinated TV screamers and posturing politicians, sit back and follow me along a totally different path.  I’m constantly, feverishly on the hunt for a great cheeseburger.  At my age, or perhaps any age, this is not the healthiest hobby one could choose.  But it sure is fun.

Growing up, mine was not a burger family.  We didn’t have many fast-food options in Bryant, Alabama.  My parents’ tastes veered more toward fried chicken, roast beef, potatoes and corn bread.  If the main course was a little too “country” for my tastes, I could talk my mother into a bologna sandwich, or grilled cheese.  I used to see McDonald’s commercials, and could only imagine how wonderful their burgers were.  Eventually a few Mickey D locations sprung up in these parts, and I was not terribly impressed.  Krystals were more commonplace, and in those days (12 cents for a Krystal, 17 if you add cheese!) they were amazing.  Not a true, big ol’ burger, but darn tasty.  These days, I still enjoy an occasional Krystal, but the quality seems to have declined.  The meat seems thinner and dryer, the buns not as warm and toasty, and the service…oh well.


Still, there are some amazing burgers out there.  Some are served up by locals, others by chains, and I love a lot of them.  Here’s my review of a few favorites.  I’m limiting my list to the sort-of immediate Chattanooga area, but I’m open to a burger road trip.  (Spoiler alert: there’s a secret about my burger-lovin’ life at the very end.  Until this blog, no one knows about it except my wife, my sons, and two co-workers.)  I hope you’ll add your own comments.  Tell me if I’m right, correct me if I’m wrong, and above all, if I left out any really good burgers, make me go there.  Now, let’s eat!

Five Guys Burgers and FriesI’ve never had the fries, they don’t serve half-portions.  Besides, there are free peanuts!  I don’t even know if they have a skinny-burger, I get the basic cheeseburger which is about the size of a football.  Two huge patties, juicy as can be, delicious cheese, and by the time they toss on the lettuce and tomato, it is outstanding.  Although I do feel stuffed.

Shoney’s, Shallowford RoadI know it isn’t cool to like Shoney’s. Our town, and surrounding towns are littered with buildings that used to be Shoney’s.  Only a few remain, and the chain always seems to be struggling.  Not because of me, though.  I’m a regular.  The All-American Cheeseburger has never let me down.  Thick, juicy, tasty.  Goes down easy.  Fries are good, prices are average.  Dessert is the gold standard, Hot Fudge Cake.  The waitresses are the sweetest people in the world.  Shoney’s, you’re harder to find these days, but I will track you down.

With Nikki's owner June Jones

With Nikki’s owner June Jones

Nikki’s, Cherokee BoulevardThis diner is within walking distance of my workplace, and yet I go only 3 or 4 times a year.  That takes tremendous self control! I love the guys and gals behind the counter, the retro decor, the aroma, the grease…what’s not to love?  The burger is steaming hot, sliced in half and just the right size.  The fries are perfect, fresh-tasting, not too salty.  Plus: they still serve Coke in a bottle!  If there’s a better Friday “let’s start the weekend” lunch, I have not found it.

Wendy’sThis chain made a few changes last year, all for the better.  The bread is buttery-tasting, the fries seem fresher and not overly salted, and the service seems faster.  Thankfully, they didn’t mess with the taste or size of the beef patty. It was great a few decades ago, and it’s still great today.  Good prices too.

Urban Stack, 13th St.: Mighty fine.  A big variety of burgers, all juicy, good service, amazing sweet potato fries, good atmosphere inside and out, and a friendly wait staff.  Prices are of course higher than fast food, but as an occasional treat, it’s well worth it.  I’m not in the Southside area all that much, and that’s probably a good thing.  I could spend way too much time here.

burger king simpsons

Burger KingNow it can be told.  I have visited a Burger King somewhere in this great land of ours once a week for the past 20 years, maybe longer.  It’s my good luck charm.  Almost every Monday, and if Monday cheats me out of my BK visit for some reason, I’ll make it up on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Same order, every week:  Whopper (mmm…sesame seed bun) with cheese, no mayo, no onion, no pickle.  Fries and a Dr. Pepper.  Usually a Hershey’s pie (cold) or apple pie (hot).  Now and then, a stray onion ring will jump into my fries order.  That’s a gift from above.  The char-broiled burger is consistently good, I always meet nice people, the counter staff is great, and I even saw my doctor eating there once.  He told me not to tell anybody.

Yes, I left some good ones out.  I also did not include a few that are either consistently disappointing, overpriced, over-hyped or all of the above.  And sadly, I haven’t gotten around to all the good burger joints.  At some places, other menu items are so good, I have yet to order a burger.  So leave your comments and expand my burger-lovin’ horizons.  If I find a really good one, I’ll take my doctor there for lunch.




About David Carroll

David Carroll is a longtime Chattanooga radio and TV broadcaster, and has anchored the evening news on WRCB-TV since 1987. He is the author of "Chattanooga Radio & Television" published by Arcadia.

11 thoughts on “My search for the perfect burger

  1. Casey Tuggle

    I’m on a similar quest. My fiance had a food safety scare as a child that involved a hamburger, so she was put off to them until I talked her into giving them a shot about a month ago. Now she loves them and asks to go eat one regularly. So far we’ve been to Sofa King (expensive, tasty, and probably a bit over-hyped), Urban Stack (tasty, spendy), and Five Guys (tasty, massive, and will give you a guilt complex). Your bit about Nikki’s reminded me that it should probably be our next destination.

  2. Mike Walker

    “Tremont Tavern” in Riverview. They just won the “Best Classic Burger” award for the Chattanooga area. The meat is cut fresh off the slab every morning.

  3. Gary Fisher

    David, how can you possibly say “Nikki’s” and not include “The best onion rings – EVER – this side of Heaven.” Was that just an oversight on your part?

  4. Mary Jo

    Armondo’s by Chester Frost Park has a fantastic burger in addition to their fries. Best I’ve had in our Chattanooga area.

  5. Creed Crowder

    My benchmark for best burger in town is Armando’s at Chester Frost Park,and reasonably priced,too. Also had a great burger at Northshore Grille a couple of years ago. I consider onion rings from Ankar’s on Hwy. 58 the best in town. Nikki’s is second, in my book. Eating my way across Chattanooga is what got me in the shape I’m in!

  6. Debbie Sneed

    Go to Cleveland, on APD 40 to Angela’s, on the right coming from Chattanooga, beside a car lot/Pawnshop. They have the Tennessee Tornado. It is fabulous. I dont care for Southern Burger Place, if that is one that is in Ooltewah..Small for sure. I NEVER, ever leave a burger, because I am a huger burger lover. I left some of that burger. It was a -10 for me.

  7. Art Sanner

    I do love Nikki’s, and Armando’s also. I saw your post about Magoo’s…I do like their burgers, but I think their service is often terrible.

  8. Wendy Wheeler

    Burger King and Wendy’s? Do they still use real beef?
    (just had to be a smart A) I do agree with you about Urban Stack. Try North Chatt Cat, their burgers are great! Or Marsha’s on Brainerd Road. I’ve never had the burger at Nikki’s … but I’m heading there real soon! Thanks for sharing your opinion with us!

  9. Glenda Rowland

    If you want to do a road trip, go to Athens, TN to Small’s Drive-in for the best Cheeseburgers around. They are so large and delicious along with their onion rings, milk shakes and fried peach pies.

  10. Donna Reagan

    This is the most random list LOL an interesting read though. . . I must add my 2 favorites Armando’s off E. Main in Highland Park is Worlds Best Bacon Cheese Burger!! Old southern on Chickamauga Rossville is also delicious!! zarzours (sp?) is hit or miss, as is Tubby’s. . . on A good clay they are both Great Burgers! I agree with 5 Guys, and their fries are Great! Plus one order feeds the whole family! LOL I was surprised to see so much fast food on your list.. Processed meat yuck! and last Nikki’s. . . Not impressive! tried them 3 times and service was bad. . . but .not to everyone. They pick and choose, which is common in places like that. My aunts and grandmother love it, It just was to basic of a burger.. . Their fries are awful though:) JM0 anyways enjoyed the post!!


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