My thankful list: Hot Fudge Cake, Radio Shack, Charles Osgood & more!

Thanksgiving 2013:  We have a health care website that freezes like a deer in the headlights, a government that starts and stops like that watch in my junk drawer, gas prices that go up when they’re supposed to be going down.  It’s an upside-down world, so the holiday is here just in time. I’m ready to serve up some sincere gratitude to a few of the people, places and things that make me gobble like a pardoned turkey.

Thank you to Sally McDonald.  You introduced me to Mexican Coca-Cola this year.  Real sugar.  Real good.

Thank you to “Big Bang Theory,” “The Middle,” and “Modern Family.”  The handful of sitcoms that still make me laugh the way “King of Queens,” “Everybody Loves Raymond” and “Frasier” used to do.  I wish we had more like them.

Thank you Blood Assurance.  Oh, the lives you’ve saved.

Thank you to whoever built my 1997 Toyota.  It is just now entering its prime.


Thank you to Shoney’s for Hot Fudge Cake.  The Best Dessert Ever could be used as an incentive for world peace.

Thank you to WRCB chief photographer and master video editor George Mitchell.  You take my words and turn them into video gold, every time.

Thank you to the Cindys in my life.  Ms. Sexton joins me in making up the longest-running news anchor team in Tennessee.  Mrs. Carroll is responsible for my longest-running marriage ever.  And my new tattoo.  You didn’t know?  Watch the 5:30 p.m. news carefully, when I’m interviewing a reporter.  You can see it.

Thank you Mayfield for your Egg Nog.  I’ve tried them all.  You win.


Thank you Charles Osgood.  You lower my blood pressure every Sunday Morning on CBS.  You prove the news can be delivered without theatrics and sensationalism.

Thank you to whoever invented lowfat Ranch Dressing.  I can’t tell the difference!

Thank you to those of you who turn your headlights on when driving in rainy or foggy conditions.  The rest of you, I worry about.

Thank you Joyce Bridges, Wendy Lyness, Jewell Thomas, Vickie Kesley, Patsy Kendrick, Dale McCloud, Eddie Etter, Debbie Hensley, Trisha Watson, Renae Smith-Berry, Randall Lockhart, Jane Lewis, Anita Good, Ann Arwood, Jamie McCulley, T’Lene Tillotson, Tutti Harris, Sharon Dishroon, Terry Reynolds, Merry Hartman, “the twins” and JoAnn Lockridge among others for reading (and laughing) at my blog, Tweets and Facebook posts.  I’m so thankful for those of you who “get” me.  Not everyone does.


Thank you to teachers who, despite the massive restrictions now in place, will go rogue when possible, to teach spelling and cursive writing.

Thank you to my sisters Brenda and Elaine, who have loved me and overlooked my flaws since Day One.  If you ever have a chance to be the baby of the family, I highly recommend it.

Thank you Ace Hardware and Radio Shack for being near my home and workplace.  You’re always there when I need you.

Thank you Suzie Bowling and Tracey Trumbull for helping me solve my computer and iPhone problems, and answering my stupid questions.  You’re always there when I need you, at work!

Thank you to the Veteran who paid for my meal at Burger King this week.  Yes, that really happened.  And yes, it should have been the other way around.


Thank you to the 122 churches and clubs who have invited me, fed me and listened to my ancient jokes as I’ve promoted the “Chattanooga Radio and Television” book.  Easily some of the most enjoyable times of my life.

Thank you Bob Elbert for introducing me to YouTube Downloader.  I’m wearing it out.  Oh, and for singing Happy Birthday to me every year too.  You’re sounding more like Sinatra each day (Nancy, I mean).

Thank you Steve Bivens for your kind gesture.  It resulted in one of the most unforgettable, uplifting moments I’ve ever witnessed.  Whenever I get in one of those, “Aren’t there any good people around any more?” kind of moods, I’ll think of you.


Thank you Dex for allowing me to sit next to you when you were inducted into the Country Radio Hall of Fame.  You and I both know that was Sheila’s seat.  It was an honor to share that experience with you and your family, knowing she saw it all.

Thank you to Chris and Vince, for making life a party whenever we’re together.

Thank you to past and current co-workers like Greg Barman, Earl Freudenberg, Doris Ellis, John Collins, Karen Hinkle Long, Cheri Burt and so many others who do way too many favors for me while getting very little in return.


Thank you for listening to me on the radio, watching me on TV, reading my stories, and for being my friend through the years.  I once really was the kid in the candy store, and thanks to being in a career I love, I’ve never really left.  Elton John puts it into music far better than I could ever say it: “I see hope in every cloud, and I’m thankful, so thankful, I’ve got all that I’m allowed.”






About David Carroll

David Carroll is a longtime Chattanooga radio and TV broadcaster, and has anchored the evening news on WRCB-TV since 1987. He is the author of "Chattanooga Radio & Television" published by Arcadia.

5 thoughts on “My thankful list: Hot Fudge Cake, Radio Shack, Charles Osgood & more!

  1. peggy wortman

    thanks for all the memories and stories that you write about. love your posts and blogs. I’ve followed you since your days on radio. you’re very talented. this Thankful song is one of my favorites. I, too, am very thankful..

  2. Faye Green

    Thanks David we have enjoyed your new casting many years, and pray you have many more on the news. We met you when extreme home makeover was in Lakeview. And you are just as pleasant live and up close as you are onmTv.


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