The Navy Officer who returned fire: fact or rumor?

Many people have asked me to confirm that the U. S. Navy will reprimand or court-martial Lt. Commander Timothy White, who reportedly returned fire when a shooter attacked the Navy (and Marines) Operation Support Center in Chattanooga on July 16.  Allen West, who has a website, posted Saturday that he had confirmed White would face disciplinary action for discharging an unauthorized weapon on federal property.  He said he received the information via text, although he didn’t identify his source.

What I can confirm is that the Navy says the Allen West report is not true, for now, anyway.  Here is the statement the Navy has posted on its social media pages:

“Stories of Navy personnel being charged with an offense are not true. There is still a long way to go in reviewing the facts of this tragic incident, but at this time we can confirm no service member has been charged with an offense.”

Also, a source close to the family tells me, “Tim has not been notified of any charges filed against him.”

So again, the Navy says the incident is under review, but no disciplinary action has been taken.  I would think when any decision is made, the Navy will release a statement in an official way, so it can be reported by reputable news organizations.  Until then, as always, be careful what you read, share, and believe on Facebook and other social media sites.  Anyone can be a “journalist” these days, but not all of them confirm their information through official sources.

Mr. West, by posting on his site, has positioned himself well, no matter the outcome.  If the Navy chooses to pursue disciplinary action, he can say, “I told you so.”  If they don’t, he could say it was due to the public outcry he helped spark.

So to sum up,  Mr. West has said the Navy is bringing charges, and the Navy has said that is not true, at this time.  Mr. West is saying one thing, the Navy is saying the opposite.  From a purely journalistic point of view, it would be wise to wait until the findings and decisions are complete before they are reported as fact. In the meantime, you may believe whomever you wish.

Now, back to Lt. Commander White. He has quite a family, pictured below:

The White family: Pelaiah, Daniel, Tim, Abraham, Franicia, Noah, Heistheway, and Shiloh.

The White family: Pelaiah, Daniel, Tim, Abraham, Franicia, Noah, Heistheway, and Shiloh.

Tim and his wife Franicia have a website, and have even been featured on a TV show that highlights their healthy lifestyle choices.  This is one beautiful family, and I wish them the best.


About David Carroll

David Carroll is a longtime Chattanooga radio and TV broadcaster, and has anchored the evening news on WRCB-TV since 1987. He is the author of "Chattanooga Radio & Television" published by Arcadia.

37 thoughts on “The Navy Officer who returned fire: fact or rumor?

  1. Brenda Trammel

    We appreciate your checking out these facts for us and reporting the truth. If there is anything the pubic can do to keep this from happening, I know we can count on you to keep us informed. Thank you David Carroll.

  2. TheMojoMan

    David: Glad you cleared that up. I have been commenting on a site that says they’re going to prosecute him. I will refer any comments back to me,,,to you. WOW what a pretty family. I have a childhood friend that has an Asian wife also she’s terrific and a Nurse.

  3. Tyson

    I hope you are correct. However, you haven’t cleared anything up. You simply said charges haven’t been filed. The “man” Allen West is a retired member of congress, retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, and has 2 million followers. If West’s inside sources claim this will happen, which we all surely hope won’t, there is a very good chance they will happen…

    1. David Carroll Post author

      Thank you Tyson. All I’m reporting is that Mr. West has said the Navy is bringing charges, and the Navy has said that is not true, at this time. It would be wise for Mr. West, and the rest of us, to wait until the findings and decisions are complete before they are reported as fact.

      1. Beauxdog

        “It would be wise for Mr. West, and the rest of us, to wait until the findings and decisions are complete before they are reported as fact.” Just like you professional journalists did for Trayon Martin, Mike Brown, etc, etc, etc.

          1. USAFRetired

            Being a member of the local press myself, I will state, for the record, no one is more fair, balanced or a truth seeker, than David Carroll. He is well respected among his peers and that says a lot.

        1. Jason

          Except Allen West is known to be a pathological. otherwise mentally ill and likes to repeat stories that have long been discredited.

    2. Jason

      Allen West is a well known flim flam artist and pretty much anything he ever says is about as accurate a conspiracy theorist on acid and ambion

    3. Sally Eastman

      As I read what you wrote, I noticed that you had the same thing in your notice, such as “maybe,” “haven’t yet” “still checking,” “etc.” Other wise it could be true. You were saying that you hoped that we would listen to reputable media. That in it self is a laugh. The news media and others are not correct over half the time and they lean to the left. Too many times they are political and take sides when they should be in the middle. If the Navy does do this or are even looking in to it, it is horrible and you seem to be taking their side right now. That is the way it looks to me.

      1. David Carroll

        Thank you Sally, I’m not taking sides. I reported what Mr. West said, and what the Navy said in reply. My only opinion is, I always think it’s best when the media, or whoever you trust for information, waits until an issue is actually decided before announcing the outcome.

  4. Evelyn

    Thanks David for this information. I did read and share Allen West’s blog post on this matter. I will now share your report. I hope it clears things up.

    1. David Carroll Post author

      Thank you Evelyn. My concern is that certain statements are being reported as factual, when in fact the investigation is ongoing. There’s nothing wrong with expressing one’s opinion, but until the Navy announces something officially, we should probably hold off on speculating what will actually be decided.

  5. USAFRetired

    A couple of things to consider:

    1. If a decision has been made to prosecute the commander, the Navy will not necessarily make it known until they are ready. Even to the point of telling what they consider a “little white lie.” This is true of all of our military branches. During my time in the Air Force working in Public Affairs I saw it happen on more than a few occasions.

    2. Lt Commander White knowingly broke a federal regulation by having a personal firearm in a federally-controlled gun-free zone. As another local columnist remarked, the Navy has long stood on its traditions. One of those traditions, as with all military services, is that regulations are expected to be followed. The Navy would be well within its rights to prosecute the commander.

    Now, with that said, I wholeheartedly pray that Navy Secretary Mabus will squash this quickly. We don’t need a scapegoat. In my book, Lt Commander White deserves a medal, not a Captain’s Mast. The rules of engagement with the enemy have changed. It is high time our military leaders took note of this. Our stateside bases and recruiting centers are soft targets for terrorism because of these antiquated policies. The Global War on Terror is indeed global, now being fought on our own shores. As such, we need to treat our armed forces in a manner that allows them to defend us and themselves.

    1. David Carroll Post author

      Thanks for the comments. I would imagine many of those with decision-making powers would certainly be leaning one way or the other, but I’d be surprised if any final decision has been reached this early in the investigation. How about you?

      1. USAFRetired

        I tend to agree, David. It would definitely be a rush to “justice” to make a call at this point. With the current mind set of our military leaders and this administration, I am sure there are those who would crucify Lt Commander White if given the chance. My prayers are that Secretary Mabus realizes what a PR blunder it would be to proceed against this officer. I, myself, think all those who fought back and were either wounded or KIA should be awarded the Navy Cross and in the instance of the two who came back over the fence to save their comrades,a Medal of Honor. They knowingly went back into a combat area unarmed and faced deadly enemy fire. They sacrificed their lives that fellow Marines, Sailors and civilians might live. That is courage worthy of the MoH.

      1. USAFRetired

        The commander was at the Naval Center on Amnicola when he fired, not the recruiting center on Lee Highway. That area on Amnicola is federal land, as are all military bases located in the United States. Recruiting centers are not considered federal property but the regulation still stands as to no personal weapons while on duty.

    2. Kim

      Your observations reflect what I was thinking but no one else has been saying. However courageous Tim White was, the military doesn’t tend to take its rules and regulations lightly and I suspect that there will be some sort of consequence for having that gun on the property. Hopefully, they will take his heroic behavior into consideration and give him no more than a slap on the wrist.

  6. Stephanie Hudman

    Thank you for clearing this up. I shared because it came from some one I respect, Roy Exum. But Mr. Exum has corrected his post. I hope only the best for this family. Lt. Commander White is a real hero to me.

    1. David Carroll Post author

      Which is exactly what I wrote. Both sides are included in my story. What Mr. West wrote, which was the Navy is bringing charges, and the Navy’s reply, which was the opposite….pending results of the investigation, which is not complete. That’s a big difference.

  7. Teresa Mansfield

    I am glad that he has not been charged. I did,however, email my senators and congressman and asked that they would use any influence they might have to make sure he doesn’t get charged. I think he deserves a commendation.

  8. Bill Dalton

    I believe you’re forgetting how difficult it is for the Federal Government to pull back from stupid things they do once it has been made public. If you’re in Lieutenant Colonel West shoes with the sources he has due to his past experiences and you have one of those sources tell you there is a plan to discipline this soldier, would you really sit back and let him get publicly charged before you moved to stop it before it gets started? Once the charges are filed, the best case for the soldier is he goes to trail and public humiliation and found not guilty. The best case is stop any charges before they are filed.

    Now you have every right to try and make Lieutenant Colonel West look bad for political purposes charging him with having bad motives for his action which is really not surprising considering you are a part of today media which has become nothing more than a voice piece for the left wing Socialist National Democrat Party. If I’ve got to believe or side with your opinion or Lieutenant Colonel and our soldiers, there is no contest.

    Unless you’re stupid, Its just not smart to wait for the “chicken’s head” is laying on the chopping block before you interrupt the process!

    1. David Carroll

      Thank you for your kind comments. I’m not sure who you’re addressing. I did not state an opinion. I did point out that Mr. West’s comments were opposite of the Navy’s comments. You can believe whomever you choose.

  9. Dana McCarthy

    Your point is so well taken. The media and these so called journalists are so eager to report something first, the journalism rules of check and verify have long gone out the window. I have seen so many lives ruined by false reporting or reporting before facts were known. In fact, I now live by the three day rule, which is I don’t bother listening to any reporter until the third day after an event, because by the third day, they actually have some facts and what they report is probably closer to the truth. Before the third day, they are reporting rumors, conjecture, speculation and assumptions. And another rule I pretty much live by, I never listen to the pundits, because they are not reporters, but editorialists with their own agenda, and they often make statements of “fact” that are nothing of the sort, but are only said to gain ratings.

  10. Gary Quinn

    Does anyone really know who or what to believe anymore? There does not seem to be any absolutes anymore in this day and age! What’s right today will be wrong tomorrow and what’s wrong today will be right tomorrow. People are doing what is right in their own eyes! And the people responsible for making the laws and those responsible for enforcing the laws need to review their values. What are their values based on?

  11. Tyson

    LTCR White should be given a medal of honor. He saved lives. His bullet could be inside Abdulazeez. Autopsy TBD. “No charges filed” yet is the problem. The Navy won’t clear White nor will the POTUS. If White goes uncharged, then all military personnel nationwide will feel they have a green-light to be armed at these military sites, which is against the law (stupid law). If charges are brought against White for saving lives (and what if his bullet killed Abdulazeez?), Chattanoogans, Tennesseans, and Americans will go crazy…Allen West said he will be charged and no one from the Navy has said he won’t be, just that the investigation is ongoing. This is a lose/lose battle for the POTUS wouldn’t you agree David Carroll?

    1. David Carroll

      Thanks for reading Tyson…let’s just say that whatever is decided won’t please everybody. Personally, I hope common sense prevails, and that our servicemen and women are allowed to defend themselves when necessary, and that those who did so on July 16 will be commended for at least attempting to save lives.

      But as far as military laws, precedents and protocol…I’m no expert.

      1. Tyson

        I hear you. It doesn’t look good either way.

        As for right this second, we could have a national security threat happening as I’m hearing North Korea or China have just shut down our phone systems. AT&T is down nationwide!


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