Whatever happened to Judy Corn?

Harry Thornton and Judy Corn in the 1970s

I have told many Harry Thornton stories. People enjoy reminiscing about his wrestling promotions, and “The Morning Show,” which he originated on WDEF-TV in 1969. Harry knew how to fill an auditorium with wrestling fans, and how to attract TV viewers with controversy.

When I tell the stories, this question often comes up: “Whatever happened to Judy Corn?” From 1971 to 1983, Judy was the “left” to Harry’s “right.” Harry could rant and rave, but it wouldn’t have been nearly as entertaining without Judy by his side. Judy provided the counterpoint, and she could dish it out as well as she could take it.

She didn’t know it then, but Judy Corn, still in her twenties, was blazing a trail. Equal rights for women was coming to the forefront, and she was ready to do battle. In those days, it was almost unheard of for a woman to voice her opinions on local TV. Most ladies on local TV were kids show hosts, “weather girls,” or doing housewife shows about cooking.

In the summer of ’69, Harry appeared on Channel 12 one morning smoking a cigar, and giving his opinions on Vietnam, the moon landing, and civil rights. He was accompanied by Ruth Bloyer, who would attempt to soften Harry’s hard edge. Two years later, Ruth moved on. What happened next would change the show, and change Harry’s life.

Judy Corn had just moved to Chattanooga. The Nashville-born daughter of a United Methodist preacher, she had opinions, and wasn’t shy about expressing them. She heard about a job opening at WDEF. She met with the program director, who said he needed someone to spar with a crusty old broadcaster with a strong personality. She met Harry, watched him on TV, and thought to herself, “I could do that.” She took the job, and settled in for a rocky ride.

After the initial honeymoon period, things got noisy. Harry hadn’t drawn an audience by being polite, and to him, Judy was easy pickings. She had other ideas. She would “fact check” him long before that became a common term. Harry would quote hearsay as fact, and Judy would challenge him to back it up. When she proved him wrong, he wasn’t happy. Harry didn’t enjoy getting upstaged by an upstart.

After a series of arguments, both on-camera and off, Judy told her father, “He doesn’t like me, and I don’t think I like him. I’m not sure this is going to work out.” Her father said, “Judy, there’s something good in everybody, including Harry. You need to find that good in him, and embrace it.” She took the advice to heart. “Underneath that gruff exterior, Harry was a good man,” she said. “He worked hard, and he wanted to the show to be a success. I did learn to like him. We didn’t always agree, in fact we almost never did. But I liked him, and would even grow to love him.”

The relationship wasn’t without its challenges. Spending ninety minutes a day arguing in front of thousands of people created tension.

One day after the show, Harry was talking about his wrestling matches. Feeling comfortable with her co-host, she said, “Now come on Harry, all that wrestling stuff is fake, isn’t it?” He turned several shades of red before retorting, “Now listen here. That’s how I make my living, and you’re not gonna talk like that, do you understand?” Message received. “I never brought it up again,” she said, “and from then on, when he talked about wrestling, I would just sit there and smile.”

Other controversies erupted, and Judy would leave the show a few times during her twelve-year tenure. She always came back because, “Harry told management he didn’t want to work with anyone else.”

He knew a good thing when he saw it.  TV Radio Mirror magazine called “The Morning Show” the highest rated local TV talk show in America (with 62 percent of the viewing audience), and gave the show a national award.

Harry retired from the show in July 1982. He had congestive heart failure, and the doctors told him he’d better slow down, or he wouldn’t live much longer. Just four months after a tribute-filled final show, he was dead at the age of 64. “I visited him at the hospital on what would be his dying day. None of us knew that, of course. He had big plans on travelling with his wife Helen. He smiled, and told me, Kid, we had lot of fun, didn’t we? I said we sure did, kissed him on the cheek, and that’s the last time I saw him. Later that night, I got a call telling me had had died, and I was devastated.”

Judy never returned to TV, opting for a career in sales before retiring several years ago.  She now leads a quieter life, living in Chattanooga with her husband, and doing a little traveling. She admits she sometimes misses the excitement of sharing her opinions on live TV. “Oh yes, I have a lot to say, and I think a show like that would draw an audience in Chattanooga. Maybe now, more than ever.”

I finally got to meet Judy in 2014. She’s a great lady.

About David Carroll

David Carroll is a longtime Chattanooga radio and TV broadcaster, and has anchored the evening news on WRCB-TV since 1987. He is the author of "Chattanooga Radio & Television" published by Arcadia.

18 thoughts on “Whatever happened to Judy Corn?

  1. Tutti Harris

    Great story, always wondered what happened to Judy. Love to you David, always, for your graet work. and for just being who you are… YOU !!

  2. Ed Ramsey

    Ive often wondered what happened to her. I remember in high school, in the mornings, getting ready with the bathroom radio on Corky Whitlock and the den tv on the Morning Show. It was a loud morning at my house!

  3. martina webb

    Thank you for this David,often wondered what happened to Judy.We looked forward every morning to hear these two they were perfect together.Such great memories.Would be nice to have something like that program on in the morning now.

  4. Betty Smith

    Boy, do I remember this! Thank you David for finding her, Thank you Judy for putting Harry in his place at times! Good memories from this. Of course, I’m almost 61 yrs old & remember watching wrestling on tv with my dad, when we could get reception (we lived in Spring City, Tn.) & dad egging Harry on when he was “arguing” with some of the wrestlers. Later moving to Chatt. & watch Harry & Judy, while getting my hubby & kids ready for school & work. MISS THEM BOTH!

    1. David Carroll Post author

      Judy never returned to TV, opting for a career in sales before retiring several years ago. She now leads a quieter life, living in Chattanooga with her husband, and doing a little traveling.

  5. Rick Williams

    I always loved the chemistry these two shared. Judy was great for the show. I think that was the “Methodist” shining through. Wonderful story. Thanks!

    1. David Carroll Post author

      Judy never returned to TV, opting for a career in sales before retiring several years ago. She now leads a quieter life, living in Chattanooga with her husband, and doing a little traveling.

  6. Jerry Lingerfelt

    Great job David, well told and it brought many memories for me and all of your readers I’m sure. I had the pleasure of knowing both of them pretty well. Great chemistry is right.

  7. Richard Green

    David ,I think we should give that old stuff another try, Judy and Harry l have fond memories from that time in the early 70s watching my Grandfather wrestling in his chair by the TV with Harry..I loved how Judy let him have it when nend be lol, on their show.

  8. Dag Nabbit

    No longer live in the area but I remember this show and these two. Good article. Didn’t like Harry at the time but I was an immature Baby Boomer with CounterCulture starting to soak in. Although I was more on Judy’s side she would make me gasp sometimes too ! Now of course I realize Harry was very talented and Harry Thornton and Judy Corn were way ahead of their time as many of these Local Yokel shows were in contrast to the Mainstream Media of the era . I wonder if there is any archival footage or is it like Dr. Shock and Dingbat and the owners of these media outlets simply didn’t know what they had and failed to preserve it . That is sad but a lot of pre VCR Television History, both local and national has been lost . Oh well at least I have my fond memories and it brings a smile to my face when i want to reminisce .

  9. Jim Pell

    David I no longer live in the area I live in Tampa Florida but I remember many of mornings getting up getting ready for school and my grandmother would have Harry and Judy on I can hear my grandmother now just saying listen to that Harry. Times were so much simpler back then so funny I found this I don’t know what it is but here it is 12: 30am and I just happened to not be able to sleep so I was watching YouTube videos and something made me think wonder whatever happened to Judy corn and I found this how great good story Judy if you read this I’m glad you’re doing well for yourself I always look forward to Saturday mornings when it was Harry Thornton wrestling I actually got to go down to the studios a few times and watch it live those are times I will never forget once again thank you David

  10. franz ehrhardt

    In the 1980s I was an executive in Chattanooga, and I was called several times to be interviewed by Judy and Luther! It was a great honor, as well as a joy, to engage in the challenging debates and answer the piercing questions of both.
    Sadly, I lost contact after I was subsequently posted overseas. What a tremendous lady!!

  11. William Merritt

    When I was little in school late 70’s till mid 80’s I would watch Harry and Judy before school. Especially in the winter made sure to tune into Luther to see If I had to go to school.. I’m glad I grew up when I did. Oh ! When my great grandma was alive we would watch Harry on Saturday for wrestling.. great memories.

  12. Layton Jackson

    As a studio camera operator for Saturday live wrestling and, occasionally, for the Morning Show, I knew I better bring my a game to work because Harry never missed a thing!

  13. Louis White

    68 years old and love old school wrestling. Jackie Fargo, Tojo, Jerry Lawler, etc. etc. was what I watched every Saturday in Chattanooga with my dad and sometimes in Loretto Tn with dad and uncle. My uncle broke a couple of my aunt’s lamps swinging his fists. I personally knew Harry and his son, Butch. Butch was my age and we went to junior high together. Harry was a gruff old coot, but I loved him on Saturdays and loved watching the Morning Show during the summer. I miss those days. I gotta also mention Shock Theatre, Bob Brandy, Funtime with Ms. Marsha, and Captain Kangaroo. What icons!! P.S. I had a crush for Judy Corn.


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